Q: What is Acupuncture:
A: Acupuncture is the ancient Eastern Healing Art that uses ultra-fine, one time use, sterile needles to stimulate specific points on the body; unblocking and correcting the flow of energy (Qi). Our body is constantly searching for homeostasis (balance). Acupuncture helps support our bodies natural balancing function. Acupuncture also works deeply to help with mental-emotional healing and stress-reduction by getting to the root causes, not just the symptoms. If you are already feeling great, Acupuncture is wonderful preventative medicine. Keeping the body in balance is the best way to prevent illness and dis-ease.
Q: What is the difference between Classical 5 Element and other forms of Acupuncture?
Five Element Acupuncture is an ancient medicine that uses the principles of nature to bring the body, mind, and spirit into balance. This unblocks energy so that the body can begin to heal itself. Most forms of acupuncture practiced today focus mainly on the energetics of the physical body, focusing on symptoms and pain. It is not surprising that this form of acupuncture has grown in popularity, as Western culture and medicine focuses extensively on the physical body as parts. We have grown accustomed to receiving treatment in this way. However, Classical Five Element Acupuncture goes further and looks at the state of balance in the mind and spirit as well. When the body, mind and spirit are all tended to, the body can heal at a far deeper level, which brings about not only relief of physical symptoms but also clarity of mind and a sense of well being.
Q: How often do I need to come in for Acupuncture treatments?
A: The effects of Acupuncture are cumulative. Regular and consistent treatments are necessary to establish balance so your body can heal itself. We recommend weekly treatments for at least the first 6-8 weeks. After balance is held from week to week, treatments move to every two weeks, then every 3 weeks, then monthly, with the hope that you will eventually be coming in for seasonal tune-ups. Remember, we are each at different places in our healing journey and this will vary from person to person.
Q: Does acupuncture HURT?
A: Some points you may feel strong sensations (which dissipate after insertion) and others you may not feel at all. While some points may illicit a strong reaction, there is a difference between HURT and harm. Acupuncture will not harm anyone, if done correctly.
Q: How am I suppose to feel after getting Acupuncture?
A: It's actually difficult to say how a person SHOULD feel. We are all so different and the levels at which we are out of balance vary greatly. Some people may feel a little more 'raw' or that their emotions are heightened. Some symptoms may be exacerbated. Some people may feel more tired. Others may feel energized or more balanced. There may be a reduction in physical pain or you may feel more sore for a day or two. ANY of these experiences may happen because we are moving energy and creating space for things that might be deep within us that need to be expressed. If any adverse symptoms arise and persist for longer than a few days after treatment, please let us know.
Q: Is there anything I SHOULD or SHOULD NOT do after acupuncture?
After your acupuncture treatment, your body is still working to balance the energy on a physical, mental and spiritual level. This is why we recommend NOT drinking alcohol, doing recreational drugs, take a hot bath, rigorous exercise or receive bodywork/chiropractic for 24hrs after treatment. All of these activities disperse balanced Qi and disrupt the healing process. After treatment we suggest eating warming foods and REST. Try to get to sleep by 10pm the night of treatment.
Q: Does Insurance cover Acupuncture?
Some insurance policies do cover acupuncture. Alex at InnerGate is not in network with any insurance companies but can provide you with itemized receipts to submit for reimbursement or to meet your medical deductibles.
Q: What is Qi?
A: Qi is a deep and complex subject in Eastern Medicine that has been studied and contemplated for THOUSANDS of years. Qi is in EVERYTHING. From humans to a rock- the more movement/heat something has it has more YANG Qi. The more cool/still something is, it is more YIN Qi. Maybe we could think of it as electrons or cells? Constantly buzzing around, giving structure and 'life'. Most simply, it can be described as energy or somethings 'life force'. When Qi is in balance, the symptoms we experience will subside.
Patient laying face down. Two Chinese characters tattooed on upper back. Alex is palpating vertebrae
Q: What is cupping and WHAT are those marks?
A: Cupping is another ancient form of medicine that has been practiced all over the world for centuries. Cups (glass, ceramic, plastic or silicon) are applied to areas of the body using heat or a pump to create suction. We believe that pain is caused by the stasis of Qi and Blood. Cupping is known to help increase circulation of blood and lymph, which is great at reducing pain and increasing range of motion. It is also very well known and often used to eliminate 'wind' or what we know of as the common cold. Cupping techniques can loosen chest congestion and reduce cough as well as bring pathogens to the surface to reduce fever. The marks that are occasionally left from cupping look like bruises but they are not. Bruises come from impact; cupping marks come from suction. Typically, the marks go away in 3-5 days. Darker spots may take longer, but these are usually areas that are experiencing pain and tension for some time. There are a few different techniques & styles of cupping. Based on your concerns, your practitioner will discuss what they think is best for you and how to care for yourself after treatment.
Patient has 9 glass cups placed along his back. Cupping marks are pink/red in color
We will be Out of Office Aug 22-Sept 10.
Emails and texts will be answered upon return Sept 11.
Thank you for understanding.
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