Classical 5 Element Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine are holistic methods of healing. Your first treatment is 105-120min which includes a full consultation, physical exam and treatment.
Consistency and Regularity with Acupuncture Treatments is KEY in progress and healing. When starting out, WEEKLY appointments are recommended to see how you are reacting to treatments, (typically 6-8 weeks). Each follow-up treatment lasts about an hour.
As your health situation improves, you will receive less frequent treatments, starting with every two weeks, then three weeks and for some patients, it could be as little as monthly or once a season.
If you have questions about which style of acupuncture is best for you and the conditions you wish to treat, please book the complimentary 15min TeleMedicine Video call to discuss your options and answer questions.
Acupuncture appointments always include intake (existing clients) to assess any changes. Remaining appointment time is used for treatment.
Wear loose comfortable clothing (think Pajamas) for your appointment. If you are unable or forget, sheets or a gown will be provided for your comfort.
You are always in control of your appointment. If you are ever uncomfortable or experience any pain, please let me know immediately.
DO eat a small meal before your appointment.
Do NOT drink coffee, alcohol or take any recreational drugs BEFORE or for 24hrs AFTER your appointment. If your appointment is in the morning, please avoid excess drinking the night before.
Do NOT take a hot bath or get a massage/chiropractic adjustment/energy work after your Acupuncture appointment (unless recommended)
Do NOT wear any perfumes, scented lotions or use hair products the day of your appointment.
We have a 48hr Cancellation & Reschedule policy
50% for first late-cancelled or late-rescheduled appointment
Subsequent late cancelled, late rescheduled or NO SHOW / missed appointments are charged the full fee.
Your credit card, it must be stored on file to ensure cancellation policy and booking future appointments.
A confirmation email will be sent to you after booking your appointment. In this email is a link to complete onboarding and medical forms. These forms MUST BE COMPLETED/SIGNED before ANY treatment INCLUDING bodywork.
If you are running late, please let us know ASAP. We will TRY to accommodate you as best we can. You are responsible for the cost of the full appointment.
Once your appointment is booked, entry door code will be sent 2hrs before your appointment via text
When entering the office please silence your phone
No sexual advances are ever tolerated. Appointments will be ended immediately
Referrals are our best marketing. If you are happy with your treatment, please spread the word about INNERGATE. (we also have referral rewards, tell your friends and family you sent them!!)
Payment is due at time of appointment. All forms of payment are accepted (Cash, Venmo, Cash App, Credit Card, Zelle, FSA/HSA Card & Check)
There is a small discount on CASH/CHECK/Venmo/Zelle/Cash App Payments
On street parking is most common, please allow extra time when driving to the clinic. we are located in a residential neighborhood. There is metered parking & lots on 24th & Church street (nearby)
There are a limited number of sliding scale appointments available per week for patients seeking regular/consistent treatments. If you are in need of flexible rate acupuncture, please contact us to discuss what works for you.
Limited In Home ACUPUNCTURE treatments are available for existing patients. Travel Fee is additional.
COVID 19 Precautions & Policies
If you are currently not feeling well or have a cough/cold, PLEASE WEAR AN N95 (or equivalent). If you have COVID, call or email to reschedule your appointment.
If you have recently been exposed to someone diagnosed with COVID-19, please quarantine and get tested ASAP. Please notify us to reschedule your appointment (rescheduling fees will be waived)
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